Coming Soon! New Blog Series – My One Piece of Advice

One of my many passions is helping others navigate their way through the muddy waters that is ones own career development. I know from personal experience just how important it is to have someone with more career and life experience you can trust to use as a sounding board.

I’ve been doing a lot of this both at Demandforce and within my personal network over the past few years and it’s reminded me that I’ve been truly fortunate to develop relationships with exceptional thought leaders, executives, domain experts, and entrepreneurs who have these incredible life stories that have inspired and challenged me to dream big and be bold. And I thought, “I’d love to be able to help share their stories and advice with you.” That was the spark that started this blog series.

Over the next several months, I’m going to be publishing interviews that will give readers a personal look into how inspiring individuals, serial entrepreneurs, C-level executives, and a cast of characters have developed their careers and how they look at life, as well as provide you with access to sage career and interviewing advice. And of course, they will be sharing their one piece of advice with you.

Thanks so much to everyone who has agreed to participate so far! The support has been overwhelming and I am reminded again of how fortunate I am.

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